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I (we) wish to support Hudson Dollars for Scholars with
the following donation:

 _____ $10.00  _____$25.00       _____$50.00
 _____$100.00  _____$250.00     _____$500.00*
 _____$1,000**  _____Other*** $

_____I would like to volunteer. Please contact me.

Name:   __________________________________

Phone:  __________________________________

Address: _________________________________


E-mail:  __________________________________

* Gifts of $500 or more entitle the donor to name the

** For gifts of $1,000 or more, the donor may establish
the criteria for the scholarship.

*** With a substantial contribution, a permanent fund
may be established that will ensure a perpetual, yearly
scholarshipin honor of an individual or organization or
in memory of a loved one.


For information, contact

Hudson Dollars for Scholars 
P. O. Box 1048
Hudson, NY   12534


All contributions are tax deductible.

Please make checks payable to:

Hudson Dollars for Scholars

Thank you for your support!